
Gender Radar is a project to be set up as part of the 2nd equality action plan of the city of Halle (Saale). The project aims to create a platform through the perception and evaluation of gender stereotypical and also discriminatory representations in the public urban space by means of a Wordpress blog on which clichés and role assignments in the media (print media, advertising, posters, websites, but also official publications) are critically but also with humor, be considered (especially for the room hall).
This platform should have free access, so that access from outside is possible and a different target group has the opportunity to use it. The editorial sovereignty lies with Dornrosa eV The project aims at a broad, low-threshold entry into a sensitization process for the still conservative to discriminating mediation of role models and their fatal effects in the socialization context of our society. Likewise it aims at the perception and acceptance of different life plans and life forms.

Also thought is a kind of award ceremony, with the particularly negative but also particularly positive examples are chosen.
The basic medium of the project is the Wordpress blog, which is kept active throughout the implementation period. For the realization of the project, information material will be created, which will draw attention to this platform in the Halle area.

More information coming soon!

The project is funded within the framework of the 2nd equality action plan of the city of Halle
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