Women's politics in concrete terms

Women's politics in concrete terms
The project "Frauenpolitik konkret" has been sponsored by Dornrosa eV for years as a non-profit association. In addition to various socio-cultural offers, the program also covers a wide range of cultural and educational events. The core themes of women's policy include equality, the prevention of violence, anti-discrimination, structural disadvantage, criticism of gender roles and sexism, and the promotion of women. The action is planned, organized, conducted and documented through years of good cooperation and networking with local and regional institutions and initiatives.

The activities will take up day-to-day and structural women-specific problems and perspectives, put them up for discussion and formulate specific solutions in order to be able to produce a broad public in this field. All events aim to engage girls and women in public debates and in the institutional and voluntary sectors. With the project we support and support this individual and personal process, which should encourage girls and women to make their own lives.

Goals of the project are:

• Implementation of the state program for a gender-fair Saxony-Anhalt
• Encourage women and girls to actively promote their rights and goals in work, family and leisure
• Support, training and qualification of women and girls in their voluntary work
• Researching and teaching women's history
• Measures to open up fields of action for girls and women to increase their political and economic impact
Participate in decision-making processes and be able to participate creatively / show perspectives in women's politics
• Addressing the consequences of discrimination and violence, as well as submitting appropriate services

According to the statute, Dornrosa eV pursues the following goals for work in the Women's Center:

• promoting equality between men and women in society,
• strengthening the assertiveness of women in their social environment (individual / societal problems),
• Creation and strengthening of communication possibilities / structures between women of different social strata,
Nationalities, ages and lifestyles

Action days (political discussion forums, actions and political talks)

For the annual events like:
- One Billion Rising on February 14th
- World Women's Day on 8 March
- Equal Pay Day on March 18th
- Anti-racist Education Week in March
- International Day Against Trans, Inter- and Homophobia on 17 May
- CSD in September
- International World Girl Day on October 11 and
- Day "No to violence against women" on 25th November

We offer a wide range of services, which should inform you first in order to break up prejudices and / or to arouse interest in the respective topics. Event formats such as discussion and discussion groups, demonstrations or flash mobs are intended to sensitize people to political issues and concerns. Political topics are often an option for this purpose.

The goals of the project are additionally addressed in individual events with daily political and historical relevant contents. Here, the primary aim is to present the range of topics discussed above with stocktaking and to align solutions with the current changes and legal reformulations. Professionally qualified persons are invited to discuss the state of affairs and the critical or criticized positions through their expertise, to stimulate discussions and to guide them in a problem-oriented manner.

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